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Can't Remember To Forget You (feat. Rihanna) - Shakira

I left a note on my bedpost

Said not to repeat yesterday's mistakes

What I tend to do

when it comes to you

I see only the good,

selective memory

The way he makes me feel yeah,

gotta hold on me

I've never met someone so different

Oh here we go

He a part of me now, he a part of me

So where you go I follow

follow follow

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I can't remember to forget you

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I keep forgetting I should let you go

But when you look at me,

the only memory,

is us kissing in the moonlight

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I can't remember to forget you


I can't remember to forget you

I go back again

Fall off the train

Land in his bed

Repeat yesterday's mistakes

What I'm trying to say

is not to forget

You see only the good,

selective memory

The way he makes me feel like

The way he makes me feel

I never seemed to act so stupid

Oh here we go

He a part of me now he a part of me

So where he goes I follow,

follow, follow, oh

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I can't remember to forget you

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I keep forgetting

I should let you go

But when you look at me,

the only memory,

is us kissing in the moonlight

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I can't remember to forget you

I rob and I kill to keep him with me

I do anything for that boy

I'd give my last dime

to hold him tonight

I do anything for that boy

I rob and I kill to keep him with me

I do anything for that boy

I'd give my last dime

to hold him tonight

I do anything for that boy

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I can't remember to forget you

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I keep forgetting

I should let you go

But when you look at me,

the only memory, is us kissing

in the moonlight

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I can't remember to forget you

But when you look at me,

the only memory,

is us kissing in the moonlight

Ohohohoh ohohohoh

I can't remember to forget you

一部外国电影 一群小伙子在街上打了一个在唱歌的乞丐进入别人家搞别人的老婆男主角下睫毛带夸张的假睫毛


中文名:发条橙 外文名:A Clockwork Orange 其它译名:发条橙子 制片地区:英国 导演:斯坦利·库布里克Stanley Kubrick 编剧:安东尼·伯吉斯Anthony Burgess 类型:惊悚,剧情,科幻,犯罪 片长:136 min 主要奖项:1971年纽约影评人协会最佳影片奖







Nelly - Dilemma








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3年前 (2022-08-14)

to forget youBut when you look at me,the only memory,is us kissing in the moonlightOhohohoh ohohohohI can't remember to forget you一部外国电影 一群小伙子


