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hacker2年前 (2022-06-30)情感技巧78


《黑色帝国1》经典对白中英文翻译 谢谢

我把它理解为 黑客帝国 搜了一个 最好的办法还是自己看一遍把喜欢的摘录下来 属于自己的经典不是吗?


《黑客帝国》(《The Matrix》)是我非常喜欢的一部电影,前前后后看了不下10遍,它的续集《矩阵重装》(《The Matrix Reloaded》)、《矩阵革命》(《The Matrix Revolution》)也看了3、5遍了。跟我一样的“黑粉丝”还是不少的,有些已经登峰造极,大有拿《黑》剧当成《红楼梦》来研究,俨然已有“黑学”之势。我没有那么狂热,只是确实喜欢,所以虽然已经没有人布置写“观后感”,还是想写写自己一点粗陋的感受。

就电影的拍摄技巧,视觉感受而言,其实《黑客》一、二已经达到巅峰,《黑客》三已经毫无新意,但就故事的完整性,逻辑性,和它所展示的哲学深度而言,《黑客》三不可或缺,可以说,不完整地看完这三部曲,是无法真正体会到编剧所要表达的哲学意味的。对于《黑客》的整体分析,已经有很多人做过了,其中包括结构主义大师斯拉沃热·齐泽克(Slavoj Zizek),甚至有人写了《黑客》每个电影分镜头的分析。我在这里只是想摘录一些我最喜欢的对白,有的加上一点个人感言,抛砖引玉而已。

Morpheus: At last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus.

Neo: It's an honor to meet you.

Morpheus: No, the honor is mine. Please, come. Sit down. I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice , tumbling down the rabbit hole? hm?

Neo: You could say that.

Morpheus: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?

Neo: No.

Morpheus: Why not?

Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.

Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about? Neo: The matrix?

Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind...... Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes...... Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more......


这里还有一个涵义深刻的细节,墨菲斯(Morpheus),也是希腊神话中众神之一,是掌管睡梦之神。在谈话的结尾,墨菲斯说:“All I'm offering is the truth, nothing more......”真相将由睡梦所揭示。


先知:i know you're neo,be right with you.

neo:you're the orache?

先知:bingo,not quite what you were expecting,right?almost done.smell good,don't they?


先知:i'd ask you to sit down,but you're notgoing to anyway.and don't worryabout the vase.

neo:what vase?

先知:that vase

neo:i'm sorry.

先知:i said,don't worry about it.i'll get one of my kids to fix it.

neo:how did you know?

先知:what's really going to bake your noodle later on is would you stillhave broken it if i hadn't anything?you're cuter than i thought.i can see why she likes you.


先知:not too bright,though.you know why morpheus brought you to see me.so,what did you think .do you think you are the one?

neo:i don't know.

先知:you know what that means?it's latin.means,"i know theyself." i'll letyou in on a little secret.being the one is just like being in love.no one can tell you you're in love.you just know that,through and through.balls to bones.well,i'd better have to look at you.open your mouth.say,"ah"

neo:ah~~~(neo 真够)

先知:ok,i'msupposed to say ,"hmm,that's interesting,but then you say.


先知:but you already know what i'm going to tell you.

neo:i'm not the one.

先知:sorry,kid.you got the gift,but it looks like you're waiting for something.


先知:your nextlife,maybe.who knows?that's the way these things go.


先知:what's funny?

neo:morpheus,he almost had me convinced.

先知:i know.poor morpheus.without him,we're lost.

neo:what do you mean,"without him"?

先知:are you sure you want to hear this?morpheus believes in you,neo.and no on ,not you,not even me can convince him otherwise.he believes it so blinaly,that he'sgoing to sacrifice his life to save yours.


先知:you're going to have to make a choice.in the one hand,you'll have morpheus'life.and in another hand,you'll have your own.one of you will going to die.which one will be up to you.i'm sorry kiddo.i really am.you have good soul.and i hate giving good people bad news.dot worry about it.as soon as you step outside that door.you'll start feeling better.you'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap.you're in control your own life. remember? here,take a cookie. i promise,by the time you're done eating it.you'll feel right as rain.












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trix? Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us,

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er? here,take a cookie. i promise,by the time you're done eating it.you'll feel right as rain. 边看边打的,从进屋开始到离开,LZ,我真的很

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what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you kn

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e up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how


