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求《黑客帝国I》 里边的一首背景音乐

是 Rob Zombie的《Dragula》,电影中放的是这首歌的Hot Rod Herman Remix版本,地址在这里。



1. Main Title

2. Trinity Dream

3. Enter the Nebuchadnezzar

4. Smith at the Door

5. Smith vs. Smith

6. Komit

7. Free Flight

8. Wonder of Zion

9. The Lascivious Lift

10. Link and Zee

11. Morpheus on the Mount

12. Goodbye Zion

13. The Bane Transformation

14. Bane Voyage

15. First, I Must Apoligize

16. The Industrial Highway

17. Oracle Oratory

18. Purpose that Created Us

19. Burly Brawl

20. Burly Brawl (alternate)

21. Multiple Replication

22. The Council of Cool

23. Meeting Merovingian

24. Niaiserie

25. Choice is an Illusion

26. Sample This

27. Meet the Keymaker

28. Some Skill

29. Chateau

30. Chateau Swashbuckling (alternate)

31. Double Trouble

32. Mona Lisa Overdrive

33. Truck vs. Truck

34. The Plan

35. The Final Flight of the Vigilant

36. Kill the Keymaker

37. Doddering Old Fool

38. The Problem is Choice

39. Window Switch

40. Neo Miraculous

41. No More Nebuchadnezzar

42. Contusion Conclusion


Main Title、Trinity Infinity、Follow Instructions、The White Rabbit等,没有日本组合的。




1. Main Title

2. Trinity Dream

3. Enter the Nebuchadnezzar

4. Smith at the Door

5. Smith vs. Smith

6. Komit

7. Free Flight

8. Wonder of Zion

9. The Lascivious Lift

10. Link and Zee

11. Morpheus on the Mount

12. Goodbye Zion

13. The Bane Transformation

14. Bane Voyage

15. First, I Must Apoligize

16. The Industrial Highway

17. Oracle Oratory

18. Purpose that Created Us

19. Burly Brawl

20. Burly Brawl (alternate)

21. Multiple Replication

22. The Council of Cool

23. Meeting Merovingian

24. Niaiserie

25. Choice is an Illusion

26. Sample This

27. Meet the Keymaker

28. Some Skill

29. Chateau

30. Chateau Swashbuckling (alternate)

31. Double Trouble

32. Mona Lisa Overdrive

33. Truck vs. Truck

34. The Plan

35. The Final Flight of the Vigilant

36. Kill the Keymaker

37. Doddering Old Fool

38. The Problem is Choice

39. Window Switch

40. Neo Miraculous

41. No More Nebuchadnezzar

42. Contusion Conclusion


In the first scene, when Neo is sleeping on his keyboard, "Dissolved Girl" by Massive Attack is playing.

歌曲:Dissolved Girl


艺人:Massive Attack


Shame, such a shame

I think I kind of lost myself again

Day, yesterday

Really should be leaving but I stay

Say, say my name

I need a little love to ease the pain

I need a little love to ease the pain

It's easy to remember when it came

'Cause it feels like I've been

I've been here before

You are not my savior

But I still don't go

Feels like something

That I've done before

I could fake it

But I still want more

Fade, made the fade

Passion's overrated anyway

Say, say my name

I need a little love to ease the pain

I need a little love to ease the pain

It's easy to remember when it came

'Cause it feels like I've been

I've been here before

You are not my savior

But I still don't go, oh

I feel live something

That I've done before

I could fake it

But I still want more, oh.






“黑客帝国电脑音乐(黑客帝国歌词)” 的相关文章


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2年前 (2022-10-08)

n9. The Lascivious Lift10. Link and Zee11. Morpheus on the Mount12. Goodbye Zion13. The Bane Transformation14.

2年前 (2022-10-08)

st Apoligize16. The Industrial Highway17. Oracle Oratory18. Purpose that Created Us19. Burly B

2年前 (2022-10-08)

本文目录一览:1、求《黑客帝国I》 里边的一首背景音乐2、请问黑客帝国2电影的背景音乐!!!3、黑客帝国的背景音乐4、有谁知道黑客帝国2里面的背景音乐5、黑客帝国1插曲求《黑客帝国I》 里边的一首背景音乐是 R

2年前 (2022-10-08)

30. Chateau Swashbuckling (alternate) 31. Double Trouble 32. Mona Lisa Overdrive 33. T


